Link 标签 rel=Stylesheet的实际作用
家电维修 2023-07-16 19:17www.caominkang.com家电维修技术
link标签有两个作用1. 定义文档与外部资源的关系;2. 是链接样式表。
href 为 URL地址;
rel 该属性规定当前文档与被链接文档之间的关系。,只有 rel 属性的 "stylesheet" 值得到了所有浏览器的支持。其他值只得到了部分地支持。
Alternate:Substitute version of the file that contains the link.
Appendix:Page that is an appendix for the set of pages.
Chapter:Page that is a chapter for a set of pages.
Contents:Table of contents document.
Copyright:Copyright notice for the current page.
Glossary:Glossary for the current page.
Help:Help document.
Index:Index document for the current page.
Next:Next document in a sequence.
Offline:href that contains a path to the CDF file to be used for an offline favorite.
Prev:Previous document in a sequence.
Section:Page that is a section for a set of pages.
Shortcut:Icon href that contains a path to an icon file to be used for the favorite or link.
Start:First document of a set.
Stylesheet:Style sheet.
Subsection:Page that is a subsection for a set of pages.